Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Project 3 - Concept & Mood.

1. What appeals to you about your story, and the vision/concept you have for your environment.

-I have chosen to do my third project on the story "Gift of the Magi" because it evokes the feeling of love between this couple and what they would do for the other even if it comes at a cost for themselves. For the environment, I want to focus on the couples new york home, where it feels warm and inviting but obviously in less than perfect condition. By this I mean I want to show the worn down nature of the living situation to portray how these two are going through some hard financial struggles but still have warm tones coloring the room.

2. Between 3 to 6 adjectives that describe emotions your painting will communicate

- warm, sweet, rough, tattered, scrappy, soft

3. List colors that will communicate those emotions (moods) as well as the dominant shape
language and lighting considerations.

- Complementary tones with the majority being warm oranges and pops of cool blue/cyan, dominant shapes will be curves and circles. I think candle lighting will fit the warm but poor atmosphere of the living situation.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Project 2 Final

So first we made the list of 50 how-to's, which I already posted before.
The next part was creating the 6 sketch ideas based on some how-tos, these are my 6 rough sketches of my ideas. 3 are howto fall through a portal featuring Albert Einstien and Erwin Schrodinger

But I wasn't really feeling this so I made another set of three rough sketches based off the idea of "how to fold laundry" featuring Marie Kondo from the Netflix show "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo"

I chose to continue with the first set of these where she makes a shirt into a fortune teller. Next, I needed references so I took some screenshots of the actual show and some extra references for the fortuneteller and shirt she is holding:

And finally, with all of these references I made my three panel comic strip:

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Project 2 progress

this is my mock-up sketch for my three pannel comic idea, the idea is Marie kondo is showing a person how to fold clothes and instead turns it into a fortune teller. 

 So far I have gathered some screenshots of Marie Kondo from her show to use for line work. I still need to add in some edited pictures like her holding a shirt in the first panel and her holding the fortune teller in the last one as well as another person watching her in the first and last panel.